
General Info
- I do art
- Even if I like something, I do not necessarily support whoever is behind it, unless I specifically state that I do. Also, I can sometimes like something only for certain aspects and not like it as a whole.
- I'm white.
- I will block. Liberally. Anything I don't want to see. Obviously I'm not expecting the world to bend to my will, however I can curate my experience on tumblr the best I can, in a manner that will let me not be mentally exhausted at the end of the day, every day.
Info for Moots
- I need tone indicators
- Please tag discourse with salix don't look if you do not want to tag it as discourse. It is time and energy consuming... It is a cesspool with the whirl added in. I have better things to do.
- If you have a concern with something I've done, said, or followed, just talk to me directly. Let's handle this like responsible people instead of dogpiling.